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Just as Jane Goodall transformed our knowledge of wild chimpanzees, Dr. Vint Virga is revolutionizing our perception and understanding of all animals in his work as one of our most distinguished veterinarians and veterinary behaviorists.
Now, in his new book, The Soul Of All Living Creatures: What Animals Can Teach Us About Being Human (Crown; July 2013), based on his 30-years experience, Dr. Vint Virga explores our remarkable connection to animals—from whales, wolves, and ocelots to mice, dogs, and cats—and shares his fascinating insights on how intricate this link is, and how vital to the lives of man and beast, alike.
As an emergency room clinician four years out of veterinary school, Dr. Vint Virga had a life-changing experience. After exhausting his expert knowledge and skills, he quietly sat with a dog, Pongo, that remained unresponsive and slowly dying, though all its medical needs had been tended. Too tired to talk, Dr. Virga did paperwork, with one hand draped loosely over the animal’s chest, tracking its shallow and labored breathing. After an hour, Virga felt a subtle shift. Pongo’s respiration eased; later, he shifted imperceptibly toward the doctor. In those moments, Virga witnessed the extraordinary power of simple human contact and compassion on a dog struggling to survive. Dr. Virga decided to specialize in behavioral medicine and care of domestic and exotic creatures.
Drawing on his decades of practice and expertise, Dr. Virga brings new relevance and significance to animal behavior, and demonstrates how, by attempting to perceive the world from the perspective of animals, we can enrich our own appreciation of life, improve our character and relationships, enhance our communication, reorder our values, and deepen our grasp of spirituality.
Insightful and eloquent, The Soul of All Living Creatures shows us that by unlocking the mysteries of animal behaviors we can open a door into our own lives for new insights, perspectives, and ways of being. If we’re willing to listen, notice, and embrace what we all hold in common with animals, we can bring deeper meaning and fulfillment to our lives.
Dr. Vint Virga is a distinguished practitioner and leader in veterinary behavioral medicine. He consults nationally to zoos and wildlife parks, private corporations, and professional organizations on the care and well-being of animals and has appeared on ABC’s World News, National Geographic’s Explorer, PBS’s Nature and on Wild TV.
Changing forever the way we see our beloved pets, animals in the wild, and ourselves, Dr. Vint Virga has captivating stories to relate.